Saturday 2 January 2010

Film Ratings

We have chosen for our rating of this film to be a 15.

To clarify and categorize products like DVD's and cinema screenings not to meantion cds. which are supplied to the public, to place boundaries for the viewer; you wouldn't expect to watch something such as Saw V with your 5 year old sibling or child as it would frighten them half to death and the contents and moral of the film wouldn't be suitable for them tp take in at such a young age.

In the short movie opening that me Sinead and Naadirah are making, we've established that the rating will be a Certificate 15. Therefore, i have done research into finding out just what a 15 rating movies contain:

Firstly, anyone under 15 cannot watch it, as it will contain inappropriated material. This may include scenes containing sex, drugs or violence - even the language used may be too graphic for a younger teenager to see. It is illegal to sell any DVD's or Video Games to under 15's also.

Things you would except to see in a 15 film:

Strong violence
Strong language
Portrayals of sexual activity
String references to sex
Sexual nudity
discriminatory language or behaviour

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