Friday 15 January 2010


Lauren - To wear leggings that are ripped and have slits all over them, in a variety of places. A patterened bra that will show through her ripped up top which will be in a similar state to her leggings. Hopefully her slit lothes will emphasise her bruises and the torturer that karl put her through.

Karl - To wear a shirt, preferably blue or creme shirt, (maybe with a bowtie or tie) with trousers and some big thick glasses. To pull of the 'geeky' look.

Kimberly - Dress in Jeans and a Standard Top.

Samantha - Dress in Jeans and a Standard Top.

Duncan - Dress in Jeans a and a Hooded Top.

Officer Joel - Just a voice.

Film Cast

Lauren will be played by the beautiful Alesha
Karl will be played by the handsome Karl
Kimberly will be played by the gorjus Armanee
Officer Joels voice will be the amazing voice of Matthew
Duncan will be played by JT
Last but not Least Samantha will be played by Naadirah

However as we were all busy due to filming being the same weeks as exam week, there were alot of cancellations. Me and Naadirah also played parts, then when we looked back at the tape, we didn't like it and got others to play parts.

So Lauren was played by Sinead, but the pictures were taken of Alesha.
Samantha was played by Taytum (My little sister)
Kimberly was played bY Charlotte.

Thursday 7 January 2010

Filming Dates and Locations

My group and I hope to start the filming from Wednesday 20th of January onwards.
We will be using 3 different locations. One of which will be the dark room at Sutton coldfield design centre. The other hopefully in the media room, as an interview room and a college corridor to shoot the close up shots and long shot of the dead tortured body.
We will aim to shoot the dark room scene on Wednesday 20th January at around 1.45 pm and aim to finish it that day.
We hope to shoot the interviewing scenes Monday 25th of January and finish by the week of February 1st.

We ended up finishing our final scene on Monday 8th February. This was the dark room scene that we ended up deciding to shoot it last.

Codes and Conventions of a Thriller

Thrillers are characterized by frequent action, fast-pace, and sometimes heroes and villains. It also has various sub-genres.
There are mainly heroes and villains in most thrillers. Traditionally, the villain drives a plot and the hero must overcome this issue. The story usually has a lot of mystery in it to create the suspense and dilemmas. They also have cliffhangers in it.
Thrillers are all about thrilling people more than scaring them. Horrors are easily mistaken for thrillers as they are quite similar - they both have the same kind of story lines. Thrillers have more suspension in there sounds and suspension at the beginning of the film so you can tell what genre the film is from the beginning. They tend to be more spooky and screechy.

We managed to track down a chart with data on how many thrillers were released in the year 2008 and heres what has come up:

This information was taken from,

The Ten most popular thrillers of all time are;
Basic Instinct (1992) about Douglas’ cop falling for Sharon Stone’s man-killer dominatrix author.
The Big Sleep (1946) was the film in which Bogie fell for Bacall: the chemistry between the two is almost incendiary.
Casino Royale (2006) Debut for Daniel Craig as 007. Gadgets, the tireless bed-hopping, the excessive stunts.
Fargo (1995) Kidnapping gone wrong, an unhappy marriage and a wealthy businessman who refuses to pay a ransom. Set during a Minnesota winter.
Get Carter (1971) Gritty thriller meets Greek tragedy. London-based gangster travelling to Newcastle to get payback for his brother’s death. With the violence as unglamorous as a pub brawl and a mood as bleak as Tyneside winter, it’s one of the nastiest and most honest films about revenge ever made.
Jackie Brown (1997) Absorbing tale of an middle-aged air hostess outfoxing a shrewd gunrunner over a stash of money. The intricate plot is a model of machine-crafted precision, but the leisurely pace allows for some rich characterisation and some soulful reflections on ageing.
LA Confidential (1997) A scabrous attack on Hollywood’s blind devotion to the culture of celebrity. So it’s a minor miracle that a big studio should ever have financed this sprawling, densely plotted tale of police corruption, shady movie stars and tabloid journalists in the first place. The greater miracle is that Ellroy’s vision was preserved in all its gloomy brilliance by Curtis Hanson’s sharp direction and fearless performances from a first-rate cast.
Le Samourai (1967)A major influence on US cinema’s crime wave in the ‘70s.A hit man is a stone-cold classic violence. The film combines the tough-guy cynicism of film noir and crisp Parisian cool – with an added dash of Eastern mysticism.
Memento (2000) A tale of a amnesiac victim of crime attempting to solve the case. Disassembling the constituent parts of the thriller, Nolan pieced them back together to use the genre to probe the nature of identity. A profound, perplexing puzzle-piece of a film.
The Usual Suspects (1995) Revolving around five professional thieves brought together for a police line-up is played like one long, expertly deployed con trick, pulling the rug from under us so many times we’re left reeling. An unspoken law of omerta forbids viewers of the film from revealing the movie’s glorious final twist.

Here's some expected codes and conventions to be in thrillers:

Sound and editing : Involves several different camera angles and quick snaps and changes between shots. Music tends to be full of tension and has a racey sound to go with the action etc.
Lighting - Shadow, mirrors and stairs are mostly used.
Narrative - Normally shown from different characters points of view. Not just one persons view. Normally it is made out so the audience has empathy for one of the characters.
Setting - According to what the story line is based on. Not a particular setting-base.
Mise-en-scene - Dim/dark lighting, (illegal) weapons for props. Camera shots are normally close ups or normal shots. Quite a lot of camera movement.

Sub-genres of thrillers:

Conspiracy thriller is a sub-genre with a secret. Usually the hero becomes a threat to the conspirators, and must escape their response. An example is the novel'The Chancellor Manuscript.'

Ecothriller tales, involve some threat to the environment, either globally or locally. The Green Rain is an example. Michael Crichton's novel State of Fear became a best-seller.

Legal thriller often includes legal figures like lawyers who put their lives at stake in order to solve the mystery. It mostly takes place around the courthouse/room. An example is 'The Firm'.

Medical thriller often involves medical people such as doctors. They have their own lives at risk again, either by a mysterious disease being broken out, or their life is threatened by a patient etc. An example is 'Death on Call'.

Psychological thriller build up slowly until the action/violence takes place later on. It normally is on emotional or mental conflict between the characters. The conflicts may not even be possible in real life. For example 'The ring' is not something that would happen.

Religious thrillers usually have an artifact or historic secret that centres up the plot.
'The DaVinci Code' is an example of this.

Action thrillers usually involve violence, aggression etc. It includes weapons and guns, explosions etc. An example would be 'The Bourne Identity' & its following films.

Monday 4 January 2010

Character Analysis

Listed below will be the characters that are going to be in our main idea.

Lauren Ralph: (Based on her) Lauren is a popular student that attends to sutton coldfeild college. On the surface of Lauren she is pretty, however she is not the average popular dopey student, there was much more to her than that as she was also very sophisticated and brainy. If there was something that she wanted then she knew what to do to get it. She was loved by few hated by many!

Karl: (Laurens Obssessive Stalker) Karl has had a crush on lauren ever since they were 4 years old and in the same class at primary school. He is very emotional towards lauren whether she is just meantioned in a conversation, he is also very protective over her. Karl thinks that laurens friends and especially her boyfriend dont deserve her. Therefore if Karl cant have her and love her as his own, then no one can.

Kimberly: Lauren's Best friend) Kimberly and Lauren have been best friends since they were in nursery and maintained that friendship right until college. However Kimberly was not as recognisable as Lauren was. People in college would vow to say that kim was jealous of Lauren. However a photo of Lauren and Kimberlys crush was posted throught kim's door. Could that have been the final straw for kim.

Samantha: (laurens arch-nemisis) Laur3en and Samantha havee hated each other ever since they could remember. It was even obvious to people completely oblivious to the little 'circle'. They Day before Laurens death Samantha and Lauren encountered in yee old fistycuffs and sam was heard shouting after their fight 'Im going to kill her if its the last thing i do' But would samantha really fulfil this statement of hers?

Saturday 2 January 2010

Thriller Questionnaire

To establish what the public wanted/ expected from the thriller genre, Myself and my group made up a questionnaire to find out the type of things that we should include in our main film idea but most importantly how to configure the opening sequence. Here is the questionaire that was given out;

1. Are you :

Male Female

2. Are you between :

15 – 18 19 – 22 23 – 26 27 – 30

3. What is your favourite genre?

Horror Thriller Rom-Coms Other

4. What do you expect in a thriller?


5. What is your favourite thriller?


6. What characters would you like to be in the film?

Psycho’s Skitzophrenic Murders Other

7. What do you like about thrillers?


8. What storyline would you prefer?

Death Revenge Obsession Other

9. How often do you watch movies?

Everyday Once or twice a week Once or twice a month Other

We Collected all the data after analysing the questionaiire answers and came up with the following results.

Characters expected in thrillers are psycho's, followed by skitzophrenics, then last was murderers.

The main thing people liked about Thrillers are the fact that they make you jump, then joint second were that they like how scary they are and suspense they contain... again shockingly, people didn't really like the "twists" in thrillers.

The storyline that was favoured most was obsession themed, then revenge, and there was a very low score for story lines including deaths.

After finding out this information we based each storyline on the most desired result.

Film Ratings

We have chosen for our rating of this film to be a 15.

To clarify and categorize products like DVD's and cinema screenings not to meantion cds. which are supplied to the public, to place boundaries for the viewer; you wouldn't expect to watch something such as Saw V with your 5 year old sibling or child as it would frighten them half to death and the contents and moral of the film wouldn't be suitable for them tp take in at such a young age.

In the short movie opening that me Sinead and Naadirah are making, we've established that the rating will be a Certificate 15. Therefore, i have done research into finding out just what a 15 rating movies contain:

Firstly, anyone under 15 cannot watch it, as it will contain inappropriated material. This may include scenes containing sex, drugs or violence - even the language used may be too graphic for a younger teenager to see. It is illegal to sell any DVD's or Video Games to under 15's also.

Things you would except to see in a 15 film:

Strong violence
Strong language
Portrayals of sexual activity
String references to sex
Sexual nudity
discriminatory language or behaviour

Story Ideas!

Our Main Idea...
Ther genre is thriller and the idea is based upon obession.

It is baed on a young woman called Lauren, she's about 17/18 years old, she goes to Sutton Coldfeild college, maintains decent grades, lives at home with her family and what-not. Yet, she is simply beautiful, she's unbelievably popular...and she knows this. She's dismissive of the little people in the college hierarchy of the "people who matter".

In this student hierarchy, she and her swarm of friends are at the top (the untouchables)... Whereas, at the bottom we find Karl, he's the stereotyped geek who has been secretly infatuated with Lauren since he's known her (primary school, when they were 4 years old) - we see this through a series of flashbacks from the start. However, she's never noticed him, he's not had the chance to say what he really feels, but now, after a long and hard 14 years of blank looks of acknowledgments and only ever dreaming how it could be with her, he finally finds the courage to approach her.

When he pulls her to one side and basically explains his strong feelings for her, she encouragingly says, "awwww, Karl, that's sooo....." then she vindictively wipes out all hope from Karl's mind, finishes the sentence saying, "...pathetic!" She rushes back over to her friends and tells them about this hilarious performance of Karl. They laugh and turn to him, making him feel evidently embarrassed and ashamed. Hurt would be the biggest understatement ever! He feels like his dignity as well as his heart has been ripped out and demolished.

Karl becomes angry, and we see the quiet little geeky boy who sits at the front in his classes, makes his notes, doesn't contribute in any form of discussion and sits alone in the canteen, turn into a vengeance driven monster. He plots his revenge on Lauren, as if he cannot have her - then no one/nothing can - not even life.

Idea 2)

This would be about Revenge:

Jr. Kanes (18 years old) vowed to himself that he would never get caught up in his families ways. He was good, an a* student, just about to start University, one of the greatest things going for him besides his education was his 'amazing girlfriend' who loved him just as much as he loved her - things seemed to be really working out for him.

But then, one night after his mother left the house for a night out on the town with friends, his mother failed to return home - during his confusion as to why his mother never returned, whilst watching t.v just as he was about to turn it off central news sees that his mother was brutally murdered in an unprovoked attack... By the Kanes' Family's rival gang - Jr. knew straight away that he must avenge his mother's death - Fighting Fire with Fire!

He becomes obsessed to cause chaos and destruction to the killers of his mother. He becomes totally consumed in attempting to fully destroy each member of the rival gang... Until he gets the biggest shock of his life. It becomes apparent that, all this time lost, all that happiness gone, all that bloodshed was meaningless. Jr was chasing the wrong people. After some very important evidence came to light, he found out that it wasn't the rival gang that killed his mother - but his own Uncle!!!

Idea 3)

Those killer Nightmares

Jenifer Gray suffered with a cruel childhood of abuse which understandably traumatised her for life - resulting in her being sectioned when she was 18. She lived in Jacobs Asylum... well you can't really call it "living", she just existed. Her life had been so badly tarnished, that whenever she fell asleep she believed that as she wasn't akwake to defend herself, that even her dreams would try to kill her.

She had been disowned by her family and friends, the only person she had grown to physically trust was Joel, he was her psychiatrist. He understood her, he believed her when nobody else did - he didn't take advantage like other men did in her disturbing past. Yet, Jenifer's chance of being anything more than strictly "doctor-patient" was shattered by the fact that Joel was in a relationship with Brenda (even though, it was evident that she was too good for him).

This story line would challenge the expected conventions of the thriller genre, as it would seem like a rather disturbing rom-com; until Jenifer, still suffering with her phobea of sleeping simply wants to give up on life - she asks Joel to kill her, he is the only one she trusts to do this. But as expected, Joel declines. Jenifer and Joel become intruiged by each other and slowly fall inlove... However, this love story is cut short when Joel tells Jenifer he is (reluctantly) with Brenda.

Jenifer becomes extremely envious of Brenda, she (somehow) breaks out of the asylum in the attempt to murder her. She wants Joel to herself, she now wants to live, she wants to love - but with Brenda in the way, she cannot do this. If she can't kill Brenda, then she has planned to kill Joel and herself, so they will be in "everlasting sleep that she does not fear".

Idea 4)

Skitzephrenic boy seeks revenge:

Luke has skitzephrenia, he suffers changes in behaviour or thoughts, such as hallucinations and delusions, as well as thinking or feeling objects are dirty or contaminated (OCD). He has always been an unhealthy boy, never been "normal", and always been different.

But after getting bullied by his school colleagues for what seemed like a lifetime, Luke genuinely fraked out after they took it a bit too far. One day in the canteen in front of everybody, Ross - the main bully stole Luke's medication "Orap" which he needed to take, and accused him of being the "freaky insane dum-ass of the whole college." It seems like a petty thing to say - but when your as vulnerable as Luke - you get hurt easily.

But Luke didn't get hurt, he got angry.

After his episode Luke planned his revenge on how to get his cummupance on the bullies to restore his self esteem and confidence that he lose due to the constant bullying he was subjected to. This would be a shocking story of how the little people fight back, however, the fact that Luke suffers from skitzophrenia proves his murder quest to be more menatlly straining than the norm.


There is a girl called Lauren, she is one of those girls who is every boys desire and every girls envy. She is brutally murdered by someone - yet no one knows who it could be. This is the main story line of the movie.

The opening scene of the movie shows a teenage girl in an Interview Room, getting questiones about the sudden murder of Lauren. Then, afetr she states that Lauren was "a bitch anyway", a subliminal two second still shot of Lauren's beaten body lying in a pool of blood is flashed onto the screen.

This continues to happen, yet instead of showing Lauren's body, we see the shots of the killer in a dark room, developing various photo's of Lauren, it is evident that Lauren doesn't know that these photo's are being taken.

Then within the short few second scenes of the killer, we see other students getting interviewed, such as her "friends" and a boy, this boy is genuinely distraught by this death, he repeats, "how could someone do this?" his obvious passion and affection proves his innocence surely...

After these routine shots, we have a still shot of the door with the killer exiting the room hiding his face, then, we converge this scene with the blank dark room door, and merge it with a shot of the door with a police crime scene tape stuck onto it. Non diagetic music of sirens can be heard also.

The Pitch

During our media lesson, we were told to bring forward a pitch. This is just a plan for all the ideas that we had and wanted to bring forward (but in a great amount of detail) and therefore had to discuss our storyboard details, and our 4 story ideas, but we had to discuss our main story idea in lots of details, so we had to come up with a character analysis, a synopsis of our film and a opening sequence plan, where we would just say what kind of shots would take place and what the opening sequence would consist of.

At first when we started off we were a bit nervous, but as we started speaking our ideas out too the class and hearing the amazement via 'oos' and 'aahhs' we grew more confident in our speaking.

Considering that we pulled all of our ideas together and didnt have a particular speech written i think that we pulled off our pitch pretty well.